As the first blog post, here is a comprehensive list of Linux commands tailored for Cloud and DevOps Engineers. It covers essential commands and their usage. This guide can help you quickly recall key commands for system administration, file manipulation, process management, and more.
File System Operations
ls - List Directory Contents
cd - Change directory
pwd - Print name of current directory
mkdir - Make directories
cp - Copy files and directories
mv - Move/rename files and directories
rm - Remove files or directories
touch - Create an empty file
cat - Concatenate and display file content
nano - Text editor for creating/editing files
vim - Text editor VIM
Process Management
ps - Report a snapshot of current processes
top - Dynamic real-time view of running process
kill - Terminate a process
killall - Terminate processes by name
File Transfer
scp - Secure Copy (remote file copy program)
rsync - Remote file synce
Package Management
apt-get - Package handling utility (Debian-based)
yum/dnf - Package handling utility (RPM-based)
dpkg - Package manager for (Debian-based) system
rpm - Package manager for (RPM-based) systems
System Services
systemctl - Control the systemed system
service - Run a system V init script
chkconfig - Updates and queries run level information for system services
User and Group Management
useradd - Create a new user
usermod - Modify a user account
userdel - Delete a user account
groupadd - Create a new group
groupmod - Modify a group
groupdel - Delete a group
ifconfig - Configure Network interfaces
ping - Test network connectivity
netstat Pront network connections, etc.
iptables : Packet filtering and NAT
System Information
uname - Print system information
df - Report file system disk space usage
free - Display amount of free and used memory
hostname - Print or set the system's hostname
Shell Scripting
bash - GNU Bourne-Again Shell
sh - Original UNIX shell
awk - Pattern scanning and processing language
sed - Stream editor for filtering & transforming text
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